4 Topic(s)
1. Corrosion and its prevention
2. Properties of Metal and Non-Metals
3. Formation and properties of ionic compounds
4. Reactivity Series
1 Topic(s)
9 Topic(s)
1. Furnishing of H+ and OH- ions part 2
2. Furnishing of H+ and OH- ions part 1
3. Concept of pH scale
4. Importance of pH in everyday life
5. Preparation and uses of Bleaching Powder Compressed
6. Preparation and uses of Sodium Hydroxide
7. Preparation and uses Baking Soda
8. Preparation and uses Plaster of Paris
9. Preparation and uses Washing Soda
4 Topic(s)
1. Covalent bond
2. Covalent bonding in carbon compounds
3. Homologous series
4. Versatail Nature of carbon
1 Topic(s)
8 Topic(s)
1. Periodic Classification of Elements
2. Periodic Classification of Elements
3. Periodic Classification of Elements
4. Periodic Classification of Elements
5. Periodic Classification of Elements
6. Periodic Classification of Elements
7. Atomic number
8. Valency